Language Proficiency

Due to the international orientation, most courses of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree program are offered in English. Some courses and examinations may also be offered in German.

To enrol on the Bachelor’s degree program, you need proof of English language proficiency at a minimum of B1+ level (CEFR). For successful participation in the Master’s degree program, an English language proficiency certificate of at least B2 level (CEFR) is required. A brief overview of the corresponding scores required for various tests can be found here.

Both the Bachelor’s and Master’s theses have to be written in English.

No knowledge of German is required for the programs. However, for all international students participating in the AI programs, learning German is a great advantage. Not only will you have a wider choice of courses and find your way around everyday life in Germany more easily, but you will also have a head start for any internships or job applications in Germany during or after your studies. We hope that many of our students will want to stay and work in Germany after completing the program. Therefore, all students who do not yet speak German should seriously consider learning German.

FAU offers various language courses for German as a foreign language (as well as other languages) that are either free or inexpensive for students. Further information can be found at the FAU Language Center.